The SLEEP SAFE BED BUG, DUST MITE, and ALLERGEN PROOF "Vinyl CAL LONG TWIN Boxspring ZipCover", Size: California Long Twin 37" x 84" It's feature Sleep-Safe ZipCover protects you from Bed Bug infestation, Dust Mites, Insects, Parasites, Allergens.Extremely durable VINYL with NEW double lock zipper.This dimension is for CAL KING TWIN BOXSPRINGS ..Wash & Dry Unlimited , 10-Year Warranty.Waterproof, durable, 6 Gauge EXTRA THICK VINYL Boxspring encasement keeps pests throughout the box springs.BED BUG & ALLERGEN PROOF BARRIER, ONE VINYL BOXSPRINGS COVER WITH NEW LOCKING ZIPPER. Safely Shield your Sleep from: Bed Bug infestation, Dust Mites, Insects, Parasites, and Allergens. Nothing however pure AIR will get during the microscopic fiber pores and locked zippers on our bed encasement merchandise. - For Years, Eco Living Friendly has been promoting inexperienced, natural, non-toxic products that SAFELY get rid of Bed Bugs, Lice, Mites, Dust Mites and quite a bit of other trojan horses that cause problems for people and impacts private well being and smartly being. Sleep-Safe is our new line. Made and Warranted in America Because we manufacture the encasings in our Georgia plant, we will keep an eye on high quality and provide return privileges on faulty or mis-shipped products. For highest protection, remember that to encase all the pillows, mattresses and box springs in your bed and use ELF for Bugs Spray to do away with any bugs purely..
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